James Lime
![Map of Texas highlighting the general location of the James Lime prospect in East Texas](images/jameslimeplay.jpg)
The James Lime is one of the world’s greatest source rocks and reservoirs, generally producing from rudistid (Cretaceous clams) reefs. There is a region in the East Texas Basin where this zone is composed of chalky limestone. This chalk has fairly high porosity, but very low permeability (transmissibility) in most cases, unless the rock has natural fractures. Because of the fractured nature of chalks, they make excellent horizontal drilling candidates. The first horizontal James well was drilled in 1993 by Union Pacific Resources, but it did not take off as a play until prices improved in 1997.
Today there are over 100 horizontal wells in the James Line play in Texas and Louisiana, and much area still remains prospective for new drilling. EFP has one core prospect and many other lead areas to pursue within the play. Energy Frontiers Partners has generated maps over the entire play extents.
Details on prospects are password protected. Please contact Energy Frontiers Partners for more information.